By William Shakespeare. Directed by my friend, Tracy Young. Live score composition by another friend, Jane Lui.
It’s always been one of my goals to play a romantic lead at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, so it is a pleasure and privilege to play Bertram in All’s Well That Ends Well, playing at OSF May 30~Oct 13. We are performing it in rep with Cambodian Rock Band (and 9 other productions!) at OSF, so make sure to plan ahead and see as much theater magic in Ashland as you can. Learn more and get tix HERE.

Photo: Jenny Graham.
Ok, ok, so Bertram isn’t your typical romantic lead (he’s kind of a jerk who keeps making mistakes…), but technically he IS one, so I’ll take it! And because he’s such a problematic character, I find he’s much more of a challenge; I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The play features many OSF vetrans: Royer Bockus as Helen, Vilma Silva as Countess, Cris Jean as LaFew, Kevin Kenerly as King, KT Vogt as Clown, Al Espinosa as Parolles, and Tyrone Wilson as Duke. As well as new(ish) company members: Jonathan Luke Stevenes, Jessica Ko, Torrin Kelly, Jonah Thorpe-Krampe, Lauren Modica. And other CRB castmates: Joe Ngo, Jane Lui, Moses Villarama, and Brooke Ishibashi.